Thursday, November 3, 2011

Vision for Fisantekraal Shalom Trust

Holger Lorentz

Currently MercyAIDS is run from our home and out of our garage.  Donations of perishable and non-perishable food are available from stores and companies, but we have not really pursued that because we do not have storage space.  To grow in the area of food distribution MercyAIDS needs storage and distribution space.

With that in place and after securing food or funds we would like to start a soup kitchen for Fisantekraal.  In conjunction with the School Of Ministry and/or volunteers, I had a dream for “soup and prayer” for a long time where people receive food but can also receive ministry if they wish.  The cooking could be done in one of the kitchens, but in the long run a separate kitchen space might be better.?!

We have contact with people who have experience in starting and running a garden project and who like to share it.  There is plenty of ground to start such a project for Fisantekraal.  People can learn gardening skills to set up gardens at their homes.  The people will receive some of the produce, the rest can support the School, soup kitchen and projects.  For this and to water the big grounds and sports field, borehole water should be cheaper in the long run.

I have a heart for job creation and training so that people can improve their lives.  I know people in our church that would love to pass on their expertise around computers.  If we provide a platform there must be people with all kinds of expertise and a similar heart to improve the lives of others less fortunate.  So we need space for different kinds of workshops.

The Fisantekraal clinic is running HIV/AIDS support groups, but more groups are needed.  Philippi Trust can provide the training and some of the garden produce and food donations can also be used to thank the group leaders.

In our work Kay and I often come across children in desperate circumstances who need to be rescued because they fall through the cracks and we presently do not have room to take them in ourselves.  Mid and long term there is a need for a place of safety for children (and their mothers?) until a good solution can be found (with the option of permanent care should there be no other solution).  This requires funds for a new suitable building and raising up of more staff and volunteers, some most likely with salary.  This could go along with a foster and adoption program.  This would be step by step as God leads.

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